Stampede of Giving
Centennial’s Annual Check Writing Campaign and the Change Wars are back! Stampede of Giving will begin on Monday, February 14th and go through Wednesday, February 23rd. ALL money raised through our Stampede of Giving fundraiser stays at Centennial! We accept cash, check, or you can give online. It’s our easiest fundraiser of the year! Simply go to the store on the website and look for the Stampede of Giving icon. You can donate online or send cash or check to the front office. No amount is too small or too large! All contributions are tax deductible.
School Wide Rewards
If we meet 50% of our goal, every student will receive popsicles during recess.
If we meet 100% of our goal, students will have an Xtreme Animals Assembly!
Our goal is $10,000!
This year, Change Wars is a friendly competition between each grade level at Centennial. The kids love it and 100% of donations go directly back to our school. Change Wars will ONLY be February 14th-17th. Change buckets will be placed at the entrance of each grade level pod for students to drop their change in on their way to class. The winning grade will receive donuts and an extra recess! Check your piggy banks, wallets, and even couch cushions and send your loose change – or even dollar bills!
There will also be 4 Spirit Days during Change/Dollar Wars. These are just fun dress up days to help you remember to bring your change!
Monday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day (wear pink, red or your favorite Valentine’s shirt)
Tuesday, February 15th – Favorite Team Day
Wednesday, February 16th – Tie Dye Day
Thursday, February 17th– Hat Day
February 22, 2022- TWOS Day Tuesday-
Bring $2 and wear your Ties, Tiaras, Tutus or Twin with a friend!
Funds raised through our Stampede of Giving will be put towards fulfilling wish lists created by each grade level.
Regardless of participation, we appreciate you and your support – whether it is donating financially, donating your time, or just the support you give Centennial in your homes. We would not be the school we are today without supportive parents like you!
School Wide Rewards
If we meet 50% of our goal, every student will receive popsicles during recess.
If we meet 100% of our goal, students will have an Xtreme Animals Assembly!
Our goal is $10,000!
This year, Change Wars is a friendly competition between each grade level at Centennial. The kids love it and 100% of donations go directly back to our school. Change Wars will ONLY be February 14th-17th. Change buckets will be placed at the entrance of each grade level pod for students to drop their change in on their way to class. The winning grade will receive donuts and an extra recess! Check your piggy banks, wallets, and even couch cushions and send your loose change – or even dollar bills!
There will also be 4 Spirit Days during Change/Dollar Wars. These are just fun dress up days to help you remember to bring your change!
Monday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day (wear pink, red or your favorite Valentine’s shirt)
Tuesday, February 15th – Favorite Team Day
Wednesday, February 16th – Tie Dye Day
Thursday, February 17th– Hat Day
February 22, 2022- TWOS Day Tuesday-
Bring $2 and wear your Ties, Tiaras, Tutus or Twin with a friend!
Funds raised through our Stampede of Giving will be put towards fulfilling wish lists created by each grade level.
Regardless of participation, we appreciate you and your support – whether it is donating financially, donating your time, or just the support you give Centennial in your homes. We would not be the school we are today without supportive parents like you!